Zanzibar Swimming with Turtles

Nungwi Mnarani Aquarium, Mnarani, Nungwi, Tanzania



Base Price


Activity Type


Check In

8 AM

Check Out

6 PM


This tour was designed to give our customers Indepth knowledge and experience about the endangered turtles in Zanzibar but also give you a chance to contribute in their well-being for as more people come to visit the site the more opportunities, they create for the center to provide for the turtles to get favorable environments they need to live and increase.

All species of sea turtles are endangered, and their population is constantly declining. Around 85% of all sea turtle deaths are caused by human intervention. This includes poaching for turtle meat, eggs, shelves, and fins, which is also widespread in Tanzania. Also, gillnets and trawling nets for fishing are deadly traps for sea turtles. Heavy human construction activity along beaches and coasts for tourism purposes is often done without considering the needs of turtle populations. Plastic waste floating in the ocean is often swallowed by marine turtles, causing their death.

Five of the world's seven species of sea turtles can be found in Tanzania. The two species of Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) are critically endangered, and the three species of green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead Sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) are classified as endangered. Sea turtles have a long life, and it takes them long to reach adulthood. This makes them particularly vulnerable to human intervention during all phases of their life.

Discover a sea turtles' sanctuary in a large natural lagoon sea turtles are kept, which were rescued with injuries, medically treated, and released into the ocean again. Also, turtle eggs are collected from beaches where due to human pressure, their survival is at risk. The eggs are incubated inside the protected area of the sanctuary and the baby turtles are kept in pools and released into the ocean once they reach a certain size. Booking this tour will offer you a chance to be introduced to the various species of turtles found in Zanzibar and have a rare opportunity to swim, feed, and play with them.

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